The Daily DIYer

Monday, July 13, 2015

100 DIY Videos Stats - Favorites - Most Viewed

I am just in awe of where this blog and YouTube channel has come in just 5 months!
It's been a crazy busy 20 weeks and we made it to 100 videos!
Here are the stats of our DIYs as of today!
# of Views: 10,669
Top 3 Blog Posts:
1.)  Grandchildren Plank Sign 
2.)  DIY Wooden Friend's Sign
3.)  Wood Staining Technique's and Products
Subscribers: 237
# of Views: 9,569
Minutes Watched: 26,186
Top 3 Videos:
1.) DIY Curtain Bed Canopy (1,819 views!!!)
2.)  Bubble Guppie's Under the Sea Party Decor
3.)  DIY Wreath Bow
# of Followers: 196
# of Followers: 35
Top RePin:
Personalized Plank Sign ( 1,566 repins!) 
# of Followers: 32
# of Views: 50,047
# of Followers: 35
And now it's time to step back and take a break from posting all my DAILY DIYs.
I might post a random DIY here or there, and believe me, I'll be DIYing daily.  However, I need some time to to devote to other projects and enjoy the rest of the summer with my family.  My free time is just not as abundant as I had hoped to squeeze in time for another "project."
So NO I am not giving up on his blog or my YouTube.  I feel as though I'm just getting a good following!  But I will be posting more DIYs that I feel are blog worthy.  So keep checking back and SUBSCRIBE!
Thanks for everyone's love and support along the way!
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