The Daily DIYer

Monday, February 27, 2017

Kids Clutter Solution

When you have kids, you have messes.  Somehow you just have to embrace those messes.  I definitely want my kids to have fun and play with their toys, but I don't want the clean up to be difficult for them or for me.

When we started redoing their room, I wanted it to house their things of course, but I didn't want them to be an eyesore either.  When we chose to create an "entertainment center" with shelves and the cube system, I knew the shelves would be the death of me.  A daily struggle to keep it looking nice which is no fun for anyone.  So what did I do?  I Figure out a way to make their things accessible and still look nice in the room.

I share with you today an easy and inexpensive way to hide the kid clutter.
I hope you find inspiration and enjoy the tutorial!

Direct link to the video here:
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