The Daily DIYer

Monday, June 12, 2017

DIY Chunky Framed Wood Signs

This DIY was an inspiration from framed wood signs I saw at Hobby Lobby.  Their prices are hard to beat at 50% off and I'm not against buying them to save myself the work of making them myself.  However, the signs Hobby Lobby had were far too smaller for where I wanted to display them.  That leads me to this tutorial.

I finally got around to making these framed wood signs for me and my hubby's bedroom.  I had lots of left over pieces of 2x2's laying around which led to the creation of these chunky framed wood signs verses the normal 1x2's that I use for framing with.  They are just perfect and I really love them.

I hope this video tutorial inspires you to get creative with your wood signs and your decor!

Direct link to the video here:
 photo Signature_zpsv4kveavu.jpg

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