The Daily DIYer

Monday, June 5, 2017

DIY Picture Ladder

This wall.... (sigh)....

We have lived in our home for years and years now and this wall has always been bare.  It is just a strange wall.  It's over our basement stairs, there is pony wall in front of it, and the badly placed light made it hard to hang anything too large (since it can't be covered).  It is a very difficult place to even get to, to be able to hang things up there.  I had changed the light bulb in that light fixture and it was not easy, let me tell you.

A viewer and I were e-mailing back and forth about the best way to go about building a picture ladder.  I had a light bulb moment when I realized I could take her design, turn it to the side, and use it on that awkward wall.  It only needed two small nails to hang.  Hubby and I teamed up, I got brave, and got this piece hung up.  I am SO loving it!  It's just want the wall needed.  I may add something under it, but for now I'm just happy to have something up there finally!  In the end, we ended up with a tutorial and hopefully a project that also inspires some of you.  I hope you enjoy the video tutorial linked below!

Direct link to the video here:
 photo Signature_zpsv4kveavu.jpg

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