The Daily DIYer

Wednesday, June 7, 2017

DIY Porch Flag Decor

Pinterest is so full of ideas and I try to stay off there because my mind starts getting stuck on my need to do all of the ideas I find.  I came across this ladder and flag decor idea one day browsing Pinterest and knew I had to do it.  It was easy and I had nearly everything on hand already.  Those are the best projects, when you already have what you need.

You can use any sort of old ladder or build one of your own (like I did here with 1"x2"s).  Wrap your ladder in a flag or fabric, whatever decor matches the season or your decor theme.  This project really only took maybe 15 minutes.  It was super easy and super quick.

I share with you how it all came together in my video tutorial linked below.
I hope you are inspired!

Direct link to the video here:
 photo Signature_zpsv4kveavu.jpg

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