The Daily DIYer

Saturday, March 14, 2015

Powder Puff Derby

This was more a DIY for my daughter and her daddy.  They both worked on this project together.  All I was told to do was add some vinyl stickers to the top and sides of the car.  I'm all for taking a back seat on this one.

Alyssa's car is on the far left

This was our first "rodeo."  We honestly had NO IDEA what we were doing.  It was all for the sake of the fun for us.  And for decorating the car, because let's face it, for girls, that's really the neat part.

This was MUCH more involved then we ever thought.  The track was hooked up to a computer that clocked times and showed the order cars reached the finish line.  It was pretty neat!

Although we didn't earn any awards, we had a great time!  We learned a lot, and I think next year we will try it again with a little more effort.

It was great spending mommy/daughter time together.  She got to spend time with friends and I was able to hang out with the other mom's for adult conversation.  Already looking forward to next year!

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