The Daily DIYer

Friday, April 24, 2015

Crock Pot Cleaning Tips

Make your crock pot like new again!

Oven Cleaner
Brillo Pads
Paper towels
**Well ventilated space**

My crcok pot is only about a year old, but it's already put on a lot of miles.  Because, like most families, we have busy schedules.  There's nothing better then a hot cooked meal, cooking away, while you can focus on other tasks.  Some nights we have sports practice that my daughter needs to get to before my husband ever makes it home from work, so the crock pot is our saviour!  Hot meals, anytime, for everyone!

So, now that I'm done with my crock pot love rant, onto the real meaning of this tutorial.  Even after only a year of use, our crock pot was looking pretty sickly.  I grabbed a can of oven cleaner from the dollar tree, brillo pads from under the sink, used some elbow grease and now my crock pot is smiling again.


Check out the video tutorial below for more details on how to bring your crock pot back to life.


Can't see the video?  Click here:
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  1. Why wouldn't you just clean it every time it got dirty after you use it!? Bacteria!

    1. That is a good point! I do think I will start wiping mine out after each use, just so I won't have to go to this extreme next time. But either way - somehow that food gets burnt on there to the point where you need to deep clean. This has worked great for me! Hope it helps others too.

    2. Or maybe I didn't make it clear that this is the warming part of the crock pot? Not the crock insert. My ceramic crock comes out. Of course the insert is sent through the dishwasher after every single use. I think all crock pots are a little different.
